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Ingenuity Gaming

Now for a gaming software company, Ingenuity Gaming is a little bit different from the norm. Difference number one? They don’t even design their own games. Instead, this Isle of Man based outfit acts as a consultancy and testing business for companies who do!

For this reason, to avoid any conflict of interest with their clients, they don’t create any of their own titles. This enables them to focus entirely on providing a great service for their clients and partners.

This company may well not produce their own games, but they certainly do possess a great deal of creativity. Indeed, Ingenuity Gaming is a big cheese in game development, even if their name is not on the headline credits. The company is responsible for the employment of around 300 people in total. The main game development work takes place in the company’s production facility in Noida, near New Delhi in India. Meanwhile, the Isle of Man office takes care of client services, business development, sales and marketing.

Services offered to clients include all aspects of game development and design, but in practice, many of their clients will have done this kind of spadework already. So perhaps the most important aspect of their service is to provide a comprehensive testing of every game – making sure they work in the real world. They iron out the glitches, making sure everything flows properly on all the different browsers and devices which players commonly use. They also ensure that each and every game is compliant with each government’s licencing regulations regarding gambling fairness and randomness.

It’s important work – work which their big name software clients value highly. For players, it is a significant cog in the wheel of production which ensures that the games you play are of the highest quality and are compliant with all local licencing laws and regulations. Gaming software companies which use Ingenuity Gaming to help design and test their games include Playtech, 2by2 Gaming and Sigma Gaming.

In summary, Ingenuity Gaming is not a name which players are likely to be familiar with. But they are a vital behind the scenes player, ensuring that the games we play are as good as they possible can be. Their existence also offers us a rare insight into the sheer work and attention to detail which must go in to the design of every game before it comes to market and actually arrives at our online casinos. They provide an essential service – one which their industry clients value very highly.

By Kevin Adair

Kevin Adair

I am a UK based writer with a decade of gambling content related writing experience. Accuracy and careful research is assured on all content.