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Fozil Media

Fozil Media is a marketing and brand management company which acts as a business consultant and marketing advisor to many operators within the online gaming industry. It was founded in 2012 and has its headquarters in Nicosia on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. It also has a major office in Hounslow, west London.

The company prides itself on being able to work with any kind of company, providing any kind of brand promotional service. It can create and promote a brand from scratch, but equally, it can refresh or re-launch an existing theme which has become tired or outdated. This can include everything from creating simple logo designs to complete fully fledged content and strategy packages designed to launch an original brand for the first time.

The skill set of this company contains tools to provide solutions to just about every possible marketing vertical or technological implementation. Oops, just slipped into marketing speak there. I just read about how the company specialises in “building and developing remarkable lead acquisition channels” and just flipped.

But anyway, if you are “on lookout for new tools and technology to incorporate into [your] tried and tested, sound marketing strategies and practices” then rest assured this is the company for you.

Aside from the brand management angles, these extremely motivated professionals can design you a website, create the necessary content, optimise for search engine requirements (SEO), create and run social media and / or e-mail marketing campaigns and carry out market research in order to help you focus your campaign and business on the most effective target market.



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By Matthew

I have been involved in the Bingo and Casino industry since 2007. I created many of the first Bingo & Casino Portals that had extensive information including software platform, payment options included about each site. I own / have owned my own bingo and casino skins. My websites have been included in the EGR Magazine and I have been nominated for iGB Affiliate awards. Because of this I have a lot of industry knowledge and aim to provide bingo and casino players honest information.